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Appetizers, Burgers, Platters and More

Craving a burger or pizza? How about some salad? Whatever your heart (or stomach) desires, you’ll find it in Doc Holliday’s Bar & Grill in Erie, PA. View our featured meals that are guaranteed to satisfy your hungry stomach.

Forget your diet! We know it won’t matter once you browse through our food offerings. We’re confident that you’ll be tempted by our Boneless Chicken Wings with generous portions of all white meat and your favorite sauce.

mozzarella sticks

Cooked to Perfection

For those who love meat, try our Meat Lovers Pizza that’s loaded with ham, pepperoni, bacon, and sausage. If you like seafood, give in to our Shrimp Dinner with half a dozen deep-fried jumbo shrimps cooked to golden brown perfection. Don’t forget our popular chicken wings that come in 30 delicious varieties.

If your throat is parched, grab a glass of Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi, Nestea Sweet Tea, or lemonade. We carry all your favorite drinks.


Put an End to Your Hunger Now

Stop by our restaurant or call us at 814-868-3627 for reservations.

Make a Reservation Today